Our Solutions

Never lose your document data


Capture documents from any scanning device, email client or file system.


A friendly and rewarding work environment.


Transform either paper or electronic files into
business documents.


All documents are searchable by document type or indexing attributes.

DocPlace Capturing

Being capable of understanding and accepting information from various sources and formats in today’s business world is a real competitive advantage. DocPlace is the solution that captures documents directly from any scanning device, email client or file system, makes the document intelligent and available for users immediately. DocPlace captures multiple file formats including Adobe Acrobat PDF, PNG and JPEG images.

Managed Environment

DocPlace ensures a friendly and rewarding work environment that leads to increased efficiency and effectiveness whether working in an office or remotely. DocPlace Smart Client assists users by providing them with a single unified view of all documents regardless of format or source. Users are provided with a thumbnail preview for every page in a document and the ability to work with more documents simultaneously side by side. They can copy, cut, paste, delete and arrange pages between documents and to create a variety of annotations that are needed for the business.

Never lose your document data

Never lose
your document

In a multi-user environment and during frequent document modification scenarios changes must be tracked very precisely. The managed environment of DocPlace has a diverse set of features that implement various mechanisms used to control these changes. Whether it is the managing of document versions based on major and minor schema or the checking in and checking out of documents, all changes are synchronized in the multi-user environment.

Business Perspective

The key aspect of a good document management strategy is to describe documents with a business vocabulary that employees are familiar with, so that documents can be seamlessly searched and retrieved. One of the values most appreciated with the DocPlace solution is the ability to transform either paper or electronic files into recognizable business documents.

Search Capability

In DocPlace all documents are searchable by document type or indexing attributes. Users can define a search criterion and all documents that correspond to it will be retrieved. Additionally, all documents or fully OCR’ed and therefore searchable by a keyword that exists anywhere in the content.

Simplify document management, accelerate productivity.

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